Michael T. Babcock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes on 21 July 2000 at 11:20:00 

 > No, but if qmail is making the deliveries to another MTA, that MTA doesn't
 > have much choice about whether its going to accept deliveries from Qmail or
 > not, so why not make Qmail a nice neighbour while we're at it?

*My* nice neighbors deliver their mail to me as quickly as possible.
I have configured my system to not accept more connections than I'm
willing / able to handle.  I know how many that is.  They do not.  

 > There's nothing wrong with using intelligent queuing to reorder messages and
 > reduce session #'s.  If just getting the mail out FAST is all that matters,
 > fine.  But that's NOT all that matters.

What else matters *which is improved by what you call "intelligent
queueing"*?  Profile / measure, don't speculate.  What is the cost of
that improvement in other areas?  Is it worth it?
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David Dyer-Bennet / Welcome to the future! / [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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