On Sat, Jul 22, 2000 at 08:32:24AM -0400, Michael T. Babcock wrote:
> Ok then, on an honest note, the point would then be to have an MTA regulate its
> incoming connections in an 'intelligent' manner so as to allow mail to actually
> get through from non-qmail MTAs within a reasonable time frame?  If I allow 20
> simultaneous connections (hypothetically) and mail is delivered from 5 different
> hosts at once, two of which are running qmail with mailing lists, odds are that
> the other three hosts won't be able to connect and may bounce the message back
> to the sender because the qmail sites used all my connections.

Ofcourse not. A 'connection refused' will not cause a bounce unless some
involved software is *severly* broken.

Also, the other hosts will get into the connection-backlog and get their
turn. That's the beauty of qmail using one connection per message - message
done, connection closed, next in connection queue gets it's turn. A qmail
box delivering to another qmail box will never chew up all it's incoming
connections for a long time, they will nicely rotate. A sendmail box *is*
able to cause that DoS.

Greetz, Peter.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - Peter van Dijk [student:developer:ircoper]

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