Michael T Babcock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> If, however, you admit that it causes problems for sendmail
> installations, and you admit that a lot of sites use sendmail, then
> you'll probably agree that defining "good netizen" would include
> "limiting outgoing connections to a particular MX" ... to some
> reasonable number (heck, you can detect what the foreign MTA is when you
> connect usually ... )

This is all nice and good in theory, but you should be aware that you're
going down a rathole with this particular discussion.  The only person
who's going to be able to modify this behavior of qmail and make it stick
is Dan, Dan has heard all of these arguments before, and so far he doesn't
seem to be buying it.  You're rather far from making any *new* arguments
here, regardless of whether any of the rest of us find them persuasive or

If you really want to have separate queues and streaming of mail through a
single connection per peer rather than qmail's behavior, you may seriously
want to consider using Postfix instead of qmail.  I personally prefer
qmail, but trying to use a software package against the express design
intention of its primary author is rather like banging one's head
repeatedly against a brick wall.

Russ Allbery ([EMAIL PROTECTED])             <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

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