On Thu, Aug 10, 2000 at 02:17:11PM -0500, Eric Long wrote:
> 1.  Mail list server has 500 identical e-mails to send.
> 2.  It gives that list of addresses to the mailserver, along with the e-mail
> message.
> 3.  The mailserver then contacts teh first server on teh list, says "here's
> an e-mail message", along with a list of addresses (usually 20 or so).
> Sometimes all those addresses are on that server, somtimes not.
> 4.  To stop spam, the receiver then checks the list for at least one valid
> receiver.  if one is local, it delivers it and any other local mails, then
> relays the rest off to the first system in the list left over.

In step 3, you say "20 or so."

What limits that to 20?  Volunteerism?

What stops me from relaying my entire 50K subscriber mailing list
off of your server, as long as you have -one- subscriber to the


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