Exactly -- what if the 'relay server' accepted messages for delivery, and
then delivery failed.  It would notify the mailing list server that those
messages failed (if you're lucky).  Wouldn't one rather have one's own
mailing list server handle this work?

Definately sounds like a spammer's dream ;-)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Eric Long" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> on 8/10/00 2:31 PM, Michael T. Babcock at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > What you're describing, if it is indeed happening, sounds more like an
> > unintentional result of open relays and strange mailing list server
> [...]
> Even so, I'm not sure I would want to rely on other people's systems to
> deliver important mailing list messages from a list I would host.

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