qmail Digest 14 Aug 2000 10:00:01 -0000 Issue 1092

Topics (messages 46631 through 46641):

Copies of bounce-messages to a user
        46631 by: Alexander Bruns
        46633 by: Gavin Cameron
        46634 by: Erwin Hoffmann

        46632 by: vincent chu

etmlm-web v2.0
        46635 by: Alexander Bruns

        46636 by: Fulep David

xinetd SOLVED
        46637 by: Fulep David

virtual domain (vpopmail): no mailbox here by that name (#5.1.1)
        46638 by: Joel Gautschi

mail queue
        46639 by: meric.starcom.co.ug
        46641 by: Slider

How to hold queue until later?
        46640 by: Brett Randall


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its my first mail to this list. I tried to get helb from a search in the
mailinlist-archive, but i did not found the answer.

I have installed a qmail-System on a RedHat 6.2 Linux-Machine. It is
configured for one Domain to be local and some other domains do be

When someone sends a mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED], an there is no mailbox for
this user or no .qmail for the alias-user, then he gets a bounce from
mailer-daemon with the content "no local mailbox here"

how can i set it up do send a copy of this message to an other user
(postmaster, root ore something) so that i, as the postmaster, be informed
about the failure of no mailbox and perhapt for other bounce-messages.

Greeting from Alex from Germany

man dot-qmail is your friend... look for .qmail-default


| Gavin Cameron                      |          ITworks Consulting         |
| Ph    : +61 3 9642 5477            |       Level 8, 488 Bourke Street    |
| Fax   : +61 3 9642 5499            |         Melbourne,  Victoria        |
| Email : [EMAIL PROTECTED]       |           Australia,  3000          |

On Sun, 13 Aug 2000, Alexander Bruns wrote:

> Hi,
> its my first mail to this list. I tried to get helb from a search in the
> mailinlist-archive, but i did not found the answer.
> I have installed a qmail-System on a RedHat 6.2 Linux-Machine. It is
> configured for one Domain to be local and some other domains do be
> vurtualdomains.
> When someone sends a mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED], an there is no mailbox for
> this user or no .qmail for the alias-user, then he gets a bounce from
> mailer-daemon with the content "no local mailbox here"
> how can i set it up do send a copy of this message to an other user
> (postmaster, root ore something) so that i, as the postmaster, be informed
> about the failure of no mailbox and perhapt for other bounce-messages.
> Greeting from Alex from Germany

Hi Alex,

At 14:18 13.8.2000 +0200, Alexander Bruns wrote:
>its my first mail to this list. I tried to get helb from a search in the
>mailinlist-archive, but i did not found the answer.
>I have installed a qmail-System on a RedHat 6.2 Linux-Machine. It is
>configured for one Domain to be local and some other domains do be
>When someone sends a mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED], an there is no mailbox for
>this user or no .qmail for the alias-user, then he gets a bounce from
>mailer-daemon with the content "no local mailbox here"
In you case, qmail uses the default bounce Alias user, which is defined in
/var/qmail/control/bouncefrom (man qmail-control).

Check your control files. In case this file is empty, the default is 
/var/qmail/alias/.qmail-mailer-daemon (=> /var/qmail/bin/qmail-showctl)

Check this dot-qmail file, and perhaps .qmail-root and .qmail-postmaster.

>how can i set it up do send a copy of this message to an other user
>(postmaster, root ore something) so that i, as the postmaster, be informed
>about the failure of no mailbox and perhapt for other bounce-messages.

Under qmail, root never receives mail. 
You should edit .qmai-mailer-daemon and/or .qmail-postmaster and tailor it
to your needs. 

You may look at the qmail presentation on my qmail Home-Page.

>Greeting from Alex from Germany
Greetings from Cologne to Sauerland.


|  fff        hh         http://www.fehcom.de        Dr. Erwin Hoffmann |
| ff          hh                                                        |
| ff    eee   hhhh      ccc   ooo    mm mm  mm       Wiener Weg 8       |
| fff  ee ee  hh  hh   cc   oo   oo  mmm  mm  mm     50858 Koeln        |
| ff  ee eee  hh  hh  cc   oo     oo mm   mm  mm                        |
| ff  eee     hh  hh   cc   oo   oo  mm   mm  mm     Tel 0221 484 4923  |
| ff   eeee   hh  hh    ccc   ooo    mm   mm  mm     Fax 0221 484 4924  |

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com

on my new installed qmail-linux-box i installed the ezmlm-40-idx and ezmlm-0,53 and ezmlm-web v2.0 (http://rucus.ru.ac.za/~guy/ezmlm/)
i can create mailinglists and delete and manage etc! but that only works right for my local domain.
in /var/qmail/control/local the entires are:
in virtualdomains there is:
so a mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] is managed by /var/qmail/alias/.qmail-user1
and a mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] is managed by /var/qmail/alias/.qmail-v-myvirtualdomain-user1
thats the way it was configured on our 1 year old qmail-box which i did not configure but from which i have to take the large mailinglists for our virtualdomains!!!
now, when i create a list with ezmlm-web for example test[EMAIL PROTECTED] it crates the links right:
/var/qmail/alias/.qmail-list1 -> /var/qmail/lists/test1/editor
but when i crate a list named [EMAIL PROTECTED] it creates the links like:
/var/qmail/alias/.qmail-listtest1 -> /var/qmail/lists/listtest1/editor
instad of
/var/qmail/alias/.qmail-v-myvirtualdomain-listtest1 -> /var/qmail/lists/listtest1/editor
now whats wrong???
thanks an perhaps you can answer me in germany:
greetings form alex from germany

Hi, I'd like to use qmail with my xinetd but it doesn not work somehow.
If I change to inetd, it works:

/etc/inetd.conf (working):
smtp stream  tcp     nowait  qmaild  /var/qmail/bin/tcp-env
tcp-env /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd

/etc/xinetd.conf (NOT working):
service smtp
        socket_type     = stream
        protocol        = tcp
        wait            = no
        user            = qmaild
        server          = /var/qmail/bin/tcp-env
        server_args     = tcp-env /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd

Can anyone help me, what should I do?

>Hi, I'd like to use qmail with my xinetd but it doesn not work somehow.
Thank you and I apologise for disturbing you


1. every user in /var/lib/vpopmail/users works fine
2. every user in /var/lib/vpopmail/domains/mydomain.com doesn't work ;(

if I send a mail from [EMAIL PROTECTED] to [EMAIL PROTECTED] i get the following
error in the mail.log

--- from /var/log/mail.log ---
Aug  9 10:15:20 joshua qmail: 965808920.712606 new msg 1507345
Aug  9 10:15:20 joshua qmail: 965808920.713055 info msg 1507345: bytes 618
from <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> qp 31023 uid 64011
Aug  9 10:15:20 joshua qmail: 965808920.767276 starting delivery 520: msg
1507345 to local [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Aug  9 10:15:20 joshua qmail: 965808920.767613 status: local 1/10 remote
Aug  9 10:15:21 joshua qmail: 965808921.007641 delivery 520: failure:
Aug  9 10:15:21 joshua qmail: 965808921.071573 status: local 0/10 remote
Aug  9 10:15:21 joshua qmail: 965808921.130812 bounce msg 1507345 qp 31026
Aug  9 10:15:21 joshua qmail: 965808921.145955 end msg 1507345

the virtual domain directory looks like that:

joshua:/var/lib/vpopmail/domains/mydomain.com# ls -la
total 12
drwx------    6 vpopmail vchkpw       1024 Jul 12 11:54 .
drwx------    3 vpopmail vchkpw       1024 Jul  5 10:34 ..
-rw-------    1 vpopmail vchkpw         34 Jul 12 11:54 .dir-control
-rw-------    1 vpopmail vchkpw         46 Jul  5 10:34 .qmail-default
-rw-------    1 vpopmail vchkpw          0 Jul  5 10:34 .vpasswd.lock
drwx------    3 vpopmail vchkpw       1024 Jul  5 10:40 info
drwx------    3 vpopmail vchkpw       1024 Jul 10 09:51 info2
drwx------    3 vpopmail vchkpw       1024 Jul 12 11:54 info3
drwx------    3 vpopmail vchkpw       1024 Jul  5 10:34 postmaster
-rw-------    1 vpopmail vchkpw        356 Jul 12 11:54 vpasswd
-rw-------    1 vpopmail vchkpw       2492 Jul 12 11:54 vpasswd.cdb

I created the virtualdomain with vadddomain and the virtualdomain users with
any idea what's wrong? do you need more information (log files or

btw: does the virtualdomain need an MX entry on the DNS server?

Hi guys ,
I have some sort of weird problem, I have a client who dials in and gets
his mail fromn the mailq, i.e he has a fixed IP address and he uses Mdaemon
mail server with the ETRN script, It used to work before and now he is not
able to get his mails from the mail queue , what do U think could be the
Thanx in advance

If it used to work before... What has changed before it started??


Hi guys ,
I have some sort of weird problem, I have a client who dials in and gets
his mail fromn the mailq, i.e he has a fixed IP address and he uses Mdaemon
mail server with the ETRN script, It used to work before and now he is not
able to get his mails from the mail queue , what do U think could be the
Thanx in advance

Hi there

We are planning on installing a number of RAS boxes around Sydney that dial
in from our subsidiaries at preset times and transfer mail that has been
held in each location (ie sent from the client but held at the server), and
download mail that's waiting to be transferred to that location.

This reminds me of UUCP which I have never really dealt with, but does
anyone here know how I can implement this I guess 'cron job' to update
queues, without actually relying on qmail's automatical deferal? (Since
deferal times get longer and longer the more times it fails and we don't
want this...). One idea would be to have a single catchall POP account on
each side but I'm not sure how I'd even implement this...But any ideas are


Brett Randall

InterPlanetary Solutions

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