I know this spawned one of those never-ending threads last time I
brought it up, so I'm not asking for opinions on the usefulness or lack
thereof of the tai64n format.  I'm just trying to *understand* the

I've read and reread DjB's documentation of the format and still find it
quite confusing.  For example, I still do not understand the
significance of the first eight bytes of the stamp.  I think it is the
reference point for the second four bytes, but why is it necessary?  Why
would the reference point change?  Why not select an arbitrary point in
time and make it the reference point?

I would also appreciate it if someone could sketch out some pseudo-code
for working with tai64n.  A task I have frequently wished I could
perform would be slicing out a section of a log file covering a
specified time range.  Since I do not know C, I do not have the luxury
of using libtai.  So I guess I would need a way of converting a specific
time to it's tai64n equivalent.

Thoughts?  Suggestions?


Ben Beuchler                                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
MAILER-DAEMON                                         (612) 321-9290 x101
Bitstream Underground                                   www.bitstream.net

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