On Wed, Aug 16, 2000 at 12:36:49AM -0500, Ben Beuchler wrote:
> I've read the doc you mention.  I found it rather tough to follow.  I
> just received some info from Russ that I think is unlocking my mental
> block for me, so it may make some sense for me by tomorrow.

I guess I'm not you, but I pretty much got it the moment I read it.
Basically, for a TAI64 label, numbers below 2^62 are ``negative'',
and between 2^62 and 2^63 are ``positive'', relative 19700101 TAI.

That's what the 0x40000000 prefix you're seeing stands for.
(0x4000000000000000 is 2^62.)

> I do need to learn at least some C, I know.  So far I have found a
> knoledge of Python and some Perl to be more useful. I'm assuming the
> "K&R" to which you refer is an introductory C text?

Quoted from http://www.tuxedo.org/~esr/jargon/html/entry/Kamp;R.html

   K&R [Kernighan and Ritchie] n.
   Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie's book "The C Programming
   Language", esp. the classic and influential first edition
   (Prentice-Hall 1978; ISBN 0-13-110163-3). Syn. White Book, Old
   Testament. See also New Testament.
You probably want ``New Testament'' instead, actually, since it
covers ANSI C:

   New Testament n.
   [C programmers] The second edition of K&R's "The C Programming
   Language" (Prentice-Hall, 1988; ISBN 0-13-110362-8), describing ANSI
   Standard C. See K&R; this version is also called `K&R2'.
Hope it helps,
        ---Chris K.
 Chris, the Young One |_ but what's a dropped message between friends? 
  Auckland, New Zealand |_ this is UDP, not TCP after all ;) ---John H. 
http://cloud9.hedgee.com/ |_ Robinson, IV  

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