Please excuse my rash comments, but yes I'd like to bite off my nose to spite my face.
I'm quite surprised that after joining the list about... 1 hour ago?  That I raised the (over-used) Signal to noise ratio.
For anyone who despises the seemingly inevitable flame wars that occur on technical mailing lists, I apologize for being what seems to be a catalyst.
I still await the days when one can post a legitimate question to a list, without receiving a barrage of out of context messages with personal opinions, and RTFM a**hole, especially when they send them to the list.   Perhaps this is why some lists are moderated.
I was hoping that this list for tech support would be above the level of your typical IRC #linux channel, but from what I've seen, it hasn't.
Perhaps the people who have taken it upon themselves to respond to me as if I were some belligerent idiot should try to realize that everyone is not as smart as they are, or experienced as they are. 
Frankly, coming from a very basic sendmail background, the url that points to the FAQ would make very little sense to anyone reading it, especially when they are not familiar with a product they've just downloaded.
If it wasn't for the apparent O'Riely(sp) book in the works (or is it done?), I would cease to use the product based on the TONE of the support I've received so far..  It seems like the list (at least this early in the morning) is stocked by a bunch of know-it-all teenagers with a severe lack of etiquette.
So to end, I thought the list was a forum for asking questions and getting answers..  not getting slammed.
To all the nice people, who will wake this morning to read all this crap, I'll apologize yet again for bringing the crap users on this list out of the wood work.

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