In the immortal words of Robin S. Socha ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> * Leslie Bester  [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [000906 05:09]:
> You call that a flame? You've got to be joking...

(90+ lines of truly uninspired ad hominem attacks deleted for brevity.)

Well congratulations.  On reading Leslie's original post, I found
myself thinking that "know-it-all teenagers" was a bit over-the-top as
a complaint, but you've managed not only to make it stick, but to make
it seem like a restrained, cautious judgement.

I have a newsflash for you: 
        ALT.FLAME IS THATAWAY ----> <your local nntp server>

If you want to engage in half-assed adolescent chest-beating under the
deluded impression that it somehow makes you look wiser, smarter,
cooler or in any other way better than your putative target, please
avail yourself of one of the countless venues designed for exactly
that purpose.  

In the meantime, please do yourself and everybody around you a massive
favor and disabuse yourself of the notion that being snide and
condescending to newbies on informational mailing lists is in any way
helpful to you, them, or the list in general.  You are not "educating
newbies" by doing this.  You are not engaging in "tough love".  You
are most certainly not actually "encouraging people to help themselves""
I'm sure you have some other lame justification you are undoubtedly
going to throw at us for your pathetic outburst.  Please, save it.
You are just being a putz.  (Look it up.)

If you only want to hear questions from people who already know as
much about qmail as your estimable self, please emulate an intelligent
person for the 30 seconds it will take you to unsubscribe from the
general-purpose mailing list, and find one more targeted to your needs.

Every time some self-appointed weasel like you decides to strike a
blow for some warped notion of truth and righteousness by stomping all
over some innocent newbie, that's ten times harder actual
professionals like myself have to work to get community-supported
software adopted inside real corporations.  



------------------------------------------------------------<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"A Force Recon colonel once told me, "If it's a stupid idea, and it works, it 
must not be a stupid idea."                                   (--John Frazier)

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