On Wed, 27 Sep 2000, Dave Sill wrote:

> ad annoying? If so, I could set up http://lwq.sill.org to redirect to
> http://web.infoave.net/~dsill/lwq. In fact, I think I'll do that
> anyway[1]. Unfortunately, sill.org sits on a 28.8K dialup, so I can't
> serve LWQ (in volume) directly. Maybe someday I'll get decent
> connectivity.[2]
> -Dave
> Footnotes: 
> [1]  Anyone know how to do that off the top of their head?

This should work.  The number (3 in this case) means to wait 3 seconds
before redirecting.  Set it to 0 to go immediately.  This goes in the
index.html file at lwq.sill.org

<meta HTTP-EQUIV=Refresh CONTENT="3;URL=http://web.infoave.net/~dsill/lwq">

> [2]  http://www.starband.com/, perhaps?

Aren't they teaming up with msn?  Also aren't they going to be windoze
interface only?  

Vince Vielhaber -- KA8CSH    email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]    http://www.pop4.net
 128K ISDN from $22.00/mo - 56K Dialup from $16.00/mo at Pop4 Networking
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