Robin, I was just giving him an option, no need to be rude about it.

Just to answer a few of your comments though:

A directory service is my case would be an LDAP server.
Show me a GUI client that can do SSL IMAP, SSL POP3 and LDAP.
Seperate accounts with seperate inboxes is much more than
  a regular expression.  I can check email on all of my accounts and
  when I reply, select the account I want my reply to show as coming
  from in a drop down "From" box, very helpful when I need to be
  postmaster at a number of different domains easily.
My copy of OE5 drops down the Inbox of the account in question
  if it finds new mail and puts the number of new messages next to it.
If you set your IE to restricted zones, disable HTML messages and
  scripting, there's no more danger in this client than any other.
  So what if you shouldn't have to do all that, I didn't say it was a
  perfect solution, just a convenient one when managing a lot of domains.

Since you had nothing productive to say, why don't you just be
happy with your orderly, modularized unix client and not post to the
list?  I don't like Microsoft for much but OE5 makes my life easier so
I choose to use it and it works great in combination with my linux based
Qmail/Courier-IMAP w/SSL installation as a secure way to check a lot of
email accounts.


-----Original Message-----
From: Robin S. Socha
Sent: 10/3/00 10:55 AM
Subject: Re: Best Winbloze Mail Client?

* Hubbard, David <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Almost missed that one...

> How about MS Outlook Express?  

Right, what about it? Let's see.

> Yeah yeah, Microsoft product, 

Cool. Your oxymoron is bigger than mine. Almost as good as "Microsoft

> but it does have extremely good support for the various protocols.  It
> will do POP3, IMAP, SSL encrypted POP3 & IMAP, SSL encrypted SMTP if
> the mailserver supports it, 

Yeah, right. So? Got the t-shirt years ago.

> directory services, etc.

What is a directory service?

> Plus, the big thing for me; you can add in as many mail accounts on as
> many different servers configured in different ways as you want 

... if you're contented with a setup of "regular expressions" to filter
by that's aimed at a lobotomized Neanderthal.

> and they all show up in a nice expandable list on the left side.

... which, if collapsed does not show new mail. Great. Next thing MS
will do is sell Outlook-enhanced 281" monitors.

> As someone who runs an ISP, I like it so I can 

... send emails to all your friends with ILOVEYOU in the subject?
... forward the contents of your address book to millions of people?
... infest the entire network with MS viruses?

> easily check the postmaster accounts on over 60 domains by just
> starting the program and hitting "Send/Receive All" so it goes out
> and checks each domain's account.

Wow. How utterly amazing. So, roughly 10 years after this could be done
in an orderly, modularized fashion under Un*x, Lusers United Ltd. have
finally given the Great Unwashed(tm) a button to click on. Praise the
Lord, brothers and sisters, all hail Gill Bates... Could someone pass me
a bucket, please?

Now for the downsides of Outlook and its friends:

· "RE:" is not a valid reply string

· your mail does not have references, so that it shows up *some*where
  but not where it belongs (thread first, kill later)

· "-----Original Message-----" - WTF is that?

· an attribution line is one *line*, not five *lines*
  · From: is in the header
  · Subject: is in the subject line
  · X-Sent is in the header
  · To: is in the header

· quoted text goes above your reply

· full quotes *SUCK*

· where are your sigdashes?

· you've got a trailing blank line

>> OK...I've had enuf of Outlook.

If only there were killfiles that acutally kill...
Robin S. Socha <>

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