I personally haven't used it, and don't ever plan to, but if you have
Windows employees/clients who are receiving spam, this may be a
solution for you. Acting as your POP3/MAPI (typo perhaps? That's what
their homepage says, unless it is refering to Microsoft Mail, in which
case where would you get spam from?) checker, it filters out spam mail
based on a custom ruleset which is constantly updated, and then passes
it to your mail client.

Configured with the ability to manually send a complaint back to the
sender, or the postmaster/abuse account there, it could serve as a
good tool for your staff, if you don't want complaints about mail
going missing because of your RBL setup.

Its not free, I haven't tried it, I don't want flames about it, I'm
not involved in any way with it, this is just an addition to past
threads about spam eradication.
"Hitting your modem with an aluminum baseball bat is only going to get
you electrocuted. Try a wooden one."

- Lynn Marshall

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