* Brett Randall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [001024 03:17]:

> http://spamkiller.com/ I personally haven't used it, and don't ever
> plan to, but if you have Windows employees/clients who are receiving
> spam, this may be a solution for you. 

"As new filter sets are made available by Novasoft, they are
automatically downloaded and installed on your computer." WTF? I don't
want some American company censor my mail. And BTW: "The automatic
online update feature is only available to registered users."

> Configured with the ability to manually send a complaint back to the
> sender, or the postmaster/abuse account there, it could serve as a
> good tool for your staff, if you don't want complaints about mail
> going missing because of your RBL setup.

Brett, this is stupid. Give the fact that in 99% of all cases (the
missing percent comprising Mac and Unix users) staff==sheep, this thing
is every admin's nightmare. Not to mention the fact that it requires
opening a hole in your firewall (ftp?) to an unknown site. No way.

> Its not free, 

I don't care if it's free. It's closed source censorware.

> I haven't tried it, 

... but your girlfriends 65year-old little sister works for the

> I don't want flames about it, 


> I'm not involved in any way with it, this is just an addition to past
> threads about spam eradication. 

It's stupid. Trying to solve server problems on the desktop of a
lifeform with the technical abilities of an amoeba is futile.
If you are too low a lifeform to be able to learn how to use the
manual page subsystem, why should we help you?
(Theo de Raadt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>)

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