On Tue, Oct 24, 2000 at 07:25:39PM +1100, Brett Randall wrote:
> >>>>> "Robin" == Robin S Socha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Robin>  It's stupid. Trying to solve server problems on the desktop of a
> Robin>  lifeform with the technical abilities of an amoeba is futile.
> This type of answer is all I was after - opinions on it :) BTW I have
> to know, where do you come up with these metaphors from?

The phrase 'proverbial IQ of an amoeba' (hope I translated *that*
correctly) is one my dad has used at times, and I have the feeling that
it's a quite common one.

Greetz, Peter
dataloss networks
'/ignore-ance is bliss' - me
'Het leven is een stuiterbal, maar de mijne plakt aan t plafond!' - me

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