> > Right.  So a non-contractual license wouldn't necessarily be better
> > than a non-contractual, non-license legal statement.
> Yes, it would be -- because (as I understand it) you have the right to waive
> your rights -- such as by putting something into the public domain (as Dan has
> done with libtai).  A license gives rights to others -- Dan's current documents
> talk about the rights he thinks you have under the law as it is.

And has he consulted a lawyer?

Vinko Vrsalovic B.           +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                       ++  Perche' la tua lingua e mia!, MIA! ++
ICQ: 9299103                 ++              (Mr B.)                ++
Geek code will never         +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
be available... :-)          [Today's mode:  PSB (Power Saving Brain)] 

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