Raul Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> On Tue, Nov 21, 2000 at 05:16:17PM -0500, Paul Jarc wrote:
> > That's true of softwarelaw.html, but this bit of the thread was about
> > rights.html, which includes no such references.
> rights.html doesn't say anything about the licensing of djbdns.

I know.  Neither does anything else on cr.yp.to; djbdns isn't licensed
at all.

> Instead, it poses the question: do you have the legal right to use the
> web, in the absence of explicit copyright notices on every document
> element you encounter?
> It's an interesting question, but I don't see that the discussion in
> this thread really relates to that issue.

It came up in message 5952.  This branch of the thread is descended
from there.  dns-get. messages 5952, 5959, 5971, 5996, and 5997 if you
want to review.


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