On Fri, Jan 19, 2001 at 04:59:33PM -0500, Steve Fulton wrote:
> I've searched the archives extensively, and I've learned quite a lot, but
> I'd like advice on this question:
> Assuming RAID 1+0 is not an option (due to the expense), what level of
> RAID is best for storing /Maildir's on a file server (that will be
> accessible to the SMTP & POP servers via NFS).  Redudancy is the big
> issue, otherwise I'd go for RAID 1.  The suits are pushing for RAID 5
> because they don't know better - and won't listen.
Why is RAID 5 and option if RAID 1+0 isn't?  The latter only requires
4 drives in the minimum configuration.  You can even do it with IDE
drives using 3ware's IDE RAID controllers.


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