> (I am using "LWQ" and "running qmail", by Rich Blum, as guides and used the
> CD that comes with "running qmail" to install FreeBSD 4.0 and the qmail.)

"Running qmail" has not received a very warm response from the members of
this list.  You would probably be better off to ignore it, and follow
"Life with qmail" exclusively.  The FreeBSD port, as well, has received some
criticism here.  You may want to try installing from pristine source from
djb's site.

> Now, if I try to send mail to any of the bogus users I had working with the
> mbox, no mail is received.  It is as if the local delivery has stopped and/or
> cannot find the destination.

The qmail logs will say exactly why delivery is failing.  You haven't given
us enough information to even guess at the cause.  If the logs don't provide
a clear enough answer for you, post a snippet of them here, showing delivery
failing for one of these bogus users, along with the output of

> I guess the real question I need to ask is whether someone has actually set
> up qmail on FreeBSD 4.0 using the qmail ports and following any given set of
> directions.

Many people here use FreeBSD or OpenBSD.  I do not know how many of them used
the ports to install qmail.

> I am a bit confused as to what I should do with the old sendmail daemon
> (although I followed the directions on "LWQ" as best I could - making the
> necessary modifications to match the location of sendmail on my BSD sys), how
> I should start up the qmail services and where the scripts should go.

Once qmail is working, delete sendmail entirely, including removing any
entries in inetd.conf.

Current best practice for starting and running qmail is to have it
running under svscan/supervise.  This is the method that djb currently

Charles Cazabon                            <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:  http://www.qcc.sk.ca/~charlesc/software/
Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.

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