
I have a mail server currently running EIMS (Eudora Internet Mail 
Server, a descendent of the Apple Internet Mail Server) running on a 
Macintosh. I'm keen to migrate to Qmail. The one box currently serves 
as inbound mta, outbound mta, and pop3 server.

Has anyone else ever done this? I'd be happy to hear of any issues 
etc that you may have encountered.

The first big issue that is on my mind is the "percent hack" for 
virtual domains. EIMS implements virtual domains for pop3 in an 
interesting manner... a user who's email address is, say, 
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" will have to enter the following as his username in 
his email client: "peter%no.domain"

Is there any support for this with qpopper, or any other pop3 server 
that works with qmail???




       Jesse Reynolds - Virtual Artists Pty Ltd - http://www.va.com.au
                                                  jesse (at) va.com.au

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