John P wrote:
> I have a K6/2 400 running RedHat 6.1 with Qmail. The box has 160mb RAM and a
> cheapo IDE 4gb disk (was once a workstation). We have a 2Mb/s ADSL
> connection. It's running as a POP3/SMTP server for a small internal network
> for 15 users.
> All works great, however every so often (bi-weekly) I need to send an e-mail
> to 40,000 customers (different e-mail for each one), generated using MySQL
> and PHP's mail() command.
> I'm just wondering what kind of performance I should be expecting, and what
> kind of limits I should be setting in concurrencyremote? If I up it to say,
> 100 when I do one of these mass e-mails, will I get any problems with
> 'descriptors','openfiles' or 'maxproc' (I don' t know what these refer to, I
> just saw it in the FAQ). Do I take it 120 is the max I can set it to without
> compiling Qmail? Should I think about recompiling it with big limits? I'm
> not sure whether this it just for really, really big sites, or also for
> usage like mine.
> I know that it's very difficult to come up with specifics but I just want to
> ensure all e-mails get sent as quickly as possible - I don't want to have it
> dying halfway through, and I can't test a mass e-mail delivery to myself!
Hi there, John
I am here facing the same problem myself. We have over 15.000 subscribed
website-monthly-letter receivers. My script (being sent till this day on
a sendmail system) was dying halfway (probably timeout). Triggering it
from a command line is unfortunatelly not an option (it's done thru a
www interface). I am also wondering what's the best way to send all
these emails.
Maybe setting up a mailing list would solve the problem... It had to be
a one-way list (eg. mails are monthly sent only by a priviledged
person)...Anyone on the list maybe had similar problem to this and can
come up with a speedy and elegant solutions ?
Lukasz Felsztukier

 : :   d i g i t a l  O n e  : :  interactive media house
 : :
 : :   Al. Kosciuszki 1, 90-418 Lodz, Poland
 : :   tel./fax  [+48 42] 632.89.74

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