On Sun, Feb 25, 2001 at 04:21:07PM -0500,
> Leander Berwers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> I am writing an auto-responder in Perl. I have been looking for the ones
> publicly available, but I was wondering to what address I have to
> respond to, namely: Do you need to look for Reply-To: first and if that
> header is unavailable look for From:?

It depends on what the auto responder is doing. If it is a delivery status
notification (for example an out of the office reply), then the message
should be sent to the envelope sender address.

If it is an automated reply to a request of some sort, than use
reply-to, from and then sender. If there are resent-* headers present,
then use the resent versions of the previous headers. If none of the
above are provided and you still want to try to reply, then use the
envelope sender address.

You may want to include the original received headers somewhere in the
reply so that it is easier for the recipient to deal with mischief.

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