[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kari Suomela) writes:

> How do I get Qmail to include the proper time zone info in the 
> messages? My sendmail machines have it, but anything coming from Qmail 
> has -0000. The machines are otherwise identical RH 7.0 boxes.

Basically, you won't.  Qmail is putting in the time correctly, but
it's stating it in GMT.  This is actually more useful; mail often
crosses timezone boundaries, and having the received headers *all* use
GMT would make it much easier to follow. 

The timezone information is only available in rather system-dependent
ways through the standard C library, and Dan has chosen to completely
avoid the standard C library for security and performance reasons. 
David Dyer-Bennet      /      Welcome to the future!      /      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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