Chris Garrigues <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Much of the common patches that are around fail in one of the tests above,
> > at least when using the author's stringent tests.  There's nothing wrong
> > with this; he keeps qmail secure, reliable, efficient, and "correct", and
> > anyone who wants to applies patches as they see fit.
> I, for one, am hoping that 2.0 will have LDAP support which meets his
> standards.  

As you said, the existing LDAP libraries are probably crap.  But why does
qmail have to be patched to use LDAP?  Why not use a script which extracts
user information from the LDAP database, puts it in passwd format, and
feeds it to qmail-pw2u?  Then cron it every hour or something.  Voila,
instant qmail+LDAP with no patches.  If you want to set it up with 
virtualdomains-type use, have the script output qmail-users style output

We do something similar for NIS; it works well.  Every day I'm more and more
impressed with the modularity of qmail.  The only patches I see as
necessary anywhere are big-concurrency and big-todo.  Everything else is
just sugar.

Charles Cazabon                            <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:
Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.

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