Gerrit Pape wrote:
> > > if You really want to use such silly initscripts, better use svc
> > > directly.

Dave Sill asked:
> > What makes this a "silly initscript"? What's the right way to do this
> > stuff in your OS religion?

Gerrit Pape replied:
> I have svscan /service started from inittab...  If I want a service to be
> temporary, I use svc -d /service/<service>. Thats what I mean with 'use
> directly'.

Newsflash:  some people *like* using scripts that allow for more
human-readable (and easier to type) commands like 'qmail stop' and 'qmail
pause'.  As long as one understands what the script is doing and why, there
is no right, wrong, or "silly" way to do it.  TEHO.

---Kris Kelley
PS:  That's the closest I've come to a flame on this list.  I feel so

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