Hi Brett,

I suppose I can answer most of your questions...

The qmail-scanner tar file contains a few files with the prefix "sub-" these
contain stuff you need....I used the one "sub-iscan.pl" for the Trend micro
scanner, but you have to choose the one that suits you and your AV scanner.
Apend this code to the end of your "qmail-scanner-queue.pl" file.

I made a few changes to this code....I added the following lines:
  $ENV{'SAV_IDE'} = '';
  delete $ENV{'SAV_IDE'} if ($ENV{'SAV_IDE'} eq "");
and I also edited the following line:
  $DD=`$iscan_binary -za -a -u -nl $iscan_verbose $scandir/$file_id
$extra_file 2>&1`;
I have listed the fill addition at the end of this email [1].

Then in the "qmail-scanner-queue.pl" file edit some of the variables....such
as the path to the scanner [2] and also the scanner array variable[3].

Then run the "tail -f qmail-queue.log" command and debug till your heart is

As a newby I was very happy with the results!



sub iscan_scanner {
  &debug("iscanner: starting scan of directory \"$scandir/$file_id\"...");
  $ENV{'SAV_IDE'} = '';
  delete $ENV{'SAV_IDE'} if ($ENV{'SAV_IDE'} eq "");
  local($iscan_verbose)="-v" if ($DEBUG);
  &debug("run  $iscan_binary /etc/iscan/vscan -za -a -u $iscan_verbose
$scandir/$file_id $extra_file 2>&1");
  $DD=`$iscan_binary -za -a -u -nl $iscan_verbose $scandir/$file_id
$extra_file 2>&1`;
  $iscan_status=($? >> 8);
  &debug("--output of iscan was:\n$DD--");

  if ( $DD =~ /\*\*\*\s+Found(.*) in file/  ) {
    &debug("There be a virus! ($virus_description)");
    #$DD =~ s/\n//g;
    $description .= "\n---iscan results ---\n$DD";
  } elsif ( $iscan_status > 0 ) {
    #This implies a corrupt set of DAT files or resource problems...
    &tempfail("corrupt scanner/resource problems - exit status
  $iscan_time = tv_interval ($start_iscan_time, $stop_iscan_time);
  &debug("iscaner: finished scan of dir \"$scandir/$file_id\" in $iscan_time

[2]I added

[3]I added
@scanner_array=("sweep_scanner", "iscan_scanner");)

-----Original Message-----
From: Brett Randall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 20 March 2001 23:12
To: Jason Haar
Cc: 'Qmail Mailing List'
Subject: Re: Qmail Scanner

>>>>> "Jason" == Jason Haar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


> You will need to reinstall Q-S. I specifically wrote Q-S so that it
> only contains code specific to your system. You have added another
> virus scanner, so you'll need to do another "./configure etc" to
> rebuild the app with support for Trend.

Hey Jason

We are looking at running a second virus scanner with our Q-S soon as
well. The only thing is that we have MAJORLY modified Q-S to work in
our environment (changed the messages that go out to people, depending
on the extensions of the files and who specifically is sending the
e-mail). We can't really just `reinstall' Q-S since it would require
hours of work to make it work again the way we want it to. Are you
able to quickly outline the variables and commands that change? I
guess I could read the configure script, but if you could tell us that
would be great! TIA
"I'm not dumb. I just have a command of throughly useless

- Calvin, of Calvin and Hobbes

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