I'm trying to implement VERP for my own user address, that is, an address
that's not a mailing list.

I found a VERP page (quoted below) and according to that I should touch
~/.qmail-me-owner and ~/.qmail-me-owner-default. Then if I set the
QMAILINJECT environment variable to 'r', I'm ready to go. I call:

echo to:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | /var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject

and I check the log. The mail is sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] not
[EMAIL PROTECTED] as I was lead to believe would occur
automatically. Then when it bounces, it goes to [EMAIL PROTECTED] You see, it
adds that "-" after "me" like it's trying to do the VERP address but then
doesn't add the noone info. I know I'm messing up a step (perhaps several)
but I don't know where. Anyone? I'm humbled by all your linux/qmail/computer
stuff in general knowledge. Thanks again.

VERP page I used as guidance: ftp://koobera.math.uic.edu/www/proto/verp.txt
and an excerpt:

   Making VERPs work requires two pieces of local software support.
   First: it must be easy to modify the outgoing sender address
   separately for each envelope recipient. For example, with one mailer,
   qmail, a user can simply touch ~/.qmail-list-owner and
   ~/.qmail-list-owner-default to apply VERPs to user-list.

   Second, and more important: it must be easy to identify a collection
   of addresses, such as djb-sos-owner-*, and send all mail for those
   addresses to one place, while preserving the * information. Under
   qmail, all user-list-owner-* mail will be sent to the user once he
   touches ~/.qmail-list-owner-default. Sending the mail through an
   automated bounce-handling program is just as easy.

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