Okay, yes, now I'm getting me- emails sent to the me mailbox. This is
progress. But I'm still a little confused about your previous email:

        "No, you're not messing anything up. There are two kinds of bounces:
those generated remotely and those generated locally. If the local
system is not able to pass a message off to a remote system, the
bounce generated will be local--from your qmail--and it'll go to the
"me-" address rather than the me-user%host VERP address. This is done
this way because the local bounce can contain multiple undeliverable
addresses. To process these bounces, you need to parse the
QSMBF-format bounce message that qmail generates."

>From this, I gather that in order to collect the email addresses of these
bounces, I need to write a script that goes through the me mailbox and
extracts the email addresses from the bounce messages. I can do this (though
it seems like there must be a better way). But when does the VERP
functionality present itself? I send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
and that server tells me 'beets is unknown' -- isn't that a remote bounce?
Shouldn't the email be returned to
[EMAIL PROTECTED]? Because it isn't; I'm still
getting those sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Or is this still considered a local
bounce? If this is a local bounce then how do I simulate a remote bounce?
I'm going to be Bcc-ing a bunch of people and I just need a reliable way to
determine the addresses that bounce. Thank you everyone for helping me so

-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Sill [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2001 12:24 PM
Subject: RE: VERP problems

"Brett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Okay, but the bounce sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] also gets bounced. It doesn't
>know to send 'me-*' eamil through to 'me' even though I've touched
>~/.qmail-me-owner and ~/.qmail-me-owner-default and chmodded both to 777.

Try touching .qmail-default. Neither ~/.qmail-me-owner noed
~/.qmail-me-owner-default will match "me-".


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