On Thu, Mar 22, 2001 at 09:16:37AM -0500, Robin S. Socha wrote:
> * Wes Wannemacher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010322 08:51]:
> > On Thu, Mar 22, 2001 at 06:40:14AM -0500, Robin S. Socha wrote:
> > > * - = k o l i s k o = - <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010322 06:33]:
> > > > I have now installed qmail and vpopmail from debian distr.
> > > Packages suck. Why don't you install from source?
> > Debian packages don't suck. 
> Packages suck. I'm running 5 different operating systems. And just one
> set of supervise scripts. Go figure. It's nice to have binary packages
> for certain things, but qmail is not one of them. YMMV.
> > If you are on a Debian list you will probably get flamed for
> > installing from source, whereas on the qmail list, you get flamed for
> > not installing from source. Ahh, life is full of Catch 22s.
> While Debian is one of the better Linux distributions, their packages
> can be very questionable. This thread goes to underline DJB's position
> stated in http://cr.yp.to/compatibility.html EoD.

I am not really trying to start a flame war, but the .deb of qmail does
build from source and respects most of DJBs beliefs. I just didn't want
people to get the idea that Debian packages are near as bad as RPMs. I
do appreciate that you see Debian as a 'better Linux distribution'.


Wesley Wannemacher
Instructor / Network Administrator
University of Northwestern Ohio

To Perl, or not to Perl, that is the kvetching.
             -- Larry Wall in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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