   I have RedHat 6.0 and RedHat6.2. There is
qmail-1.03; vpopmail and sqwebmail installed as major
sotwares for mail.
   I tried to create dot-qmail for the virtual users
inside of the vpopmail folders so any new income mail
for that user, it will send an SMS or a email to
another address to notify the new message (which will
contain who is sending and the subject).
    I found some scripts in the mailing list and tried
a simple one just to test:
"| egrep -e '^From:|Subject:' | Mail -s YouGotMail 
    But the time that I put this in the .qmail and the
user received one new message, it started to send
thousands of email to without stoping until I removed
    I tried other scripts that I found in the mailing
list and the same behaviour happened again. I read the
documentation of qmail and the mailing list but I
still cannot find where I am missing.
    Please any help will be very appreciated.

Wei Yao Gharib

Wei Yao Gharib
System Administrator
Wise Communication
N° 1070, Av. Sahara Sect. 5 Hay Salam 11000 Sale Morocco
Tel: +212(0)37810808              Fax: +212(0)37810773

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