John Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I setup the tcp.smtp.cdb file and am calling it when I start tcpserver,
> but I am still getting errors when I try to relay mail from my internal
> network.

What errors are you getting?  Please show us the exact text of all error
messages you receive, errors shown in the qmail logs, etc.  Preferably
duplicate the error by telnetting to port 25 from one of your clients which
should be allowed to relay, and show us a transcript of an SMTP session
failing; some MUAs helpfully hide all useful error messages.

> Here is what I used to make the tcp.smtp.cdb file:
> 192.168.:allow
> 192.168.:allow,RELAYCLIENT=""
> :allow

The first line is unnecessary; the second line covers it.  Otherwise, it
looks good.

> After changing the tcp.smtp.cdb file I restarted both tcpserver and
> qmail.

How did you "change" the file?  Did you change tcp.smtp, then run tcprules on
it to create tcp.smtp.cdb?  Please show us.

Charles Cazabon                            <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:
Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.

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