From: "Michael Handler"

> Why would you want to do that? Did you read the manpage for mailer.conf?

No, I admint that I didn't, but now I did.  However, I am no smarter than when I 
started.  It does
not contains any references to qmail, only examples for sendmail and postfix.

from man mailer.conf

     The entire reason this program exists is a crock.  Instead, a command for
     how to submit mail should be standardized, and all the "behave different-
     ly if invoked with a different name" behavior of things like mailq(1)
     should go away.

(mailwrapper's man page said the same about it)

Do we have something against the standard "/usr/sbin/sendmail" ?  I don't see it 
convered at

> It exists exactly so that you don't have to bother touching any symlinks
> or such on the filesystem.

It really wasn't that much of a bother and I didn't read that statement in the man 
pages anywhere
but since you brought it up, let me see if I understand now.

>From mailer.conf
     This example shows how to invoke the "postfix" program in place of send-

     # Emulate sendmail using postfix
     sendmail        /usr/local/sbin/sendmail
     mailq           /usr/local/sbin/sendmail
     newaliases      /usr/local/sbin/sendmail

So I should just use...

#emulate sendmail using qmail
sendmail        /var/qmail/bin/sendmail

And remove all of the symlinks as well as all other references in that file?

If I do that will anything break?  Is there really "anything wrong" with the way I 
have it symlinked

Thanks in advance

Rick Up

RHETORICAL QUESTION:  Why doesn't <insert OS here> just come installed with qmail as 
the default

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