* Rick Updegrove <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010411 02:38]:
> From: "Michael Handler"
> > Why would you want to do that? Did you read the manpage for mailer.conf?
> No, I admint that I didn't, but now I did.  However, I am no smarter
> than when I started.  It does not contains any references to qmail,
> only examples for sendmail and postfix.

> > It exists exactly so that you don't have to bother touching any symlinks
> > or such on the filesystem.
> It really wasn't that much of a bother and I didn't read that
> statement in the man pages anywhere but since you brought it up, let
> me see if I understand now.
> From mailer.conf
> So I should just use...
> #emulate sendmail using qmail
> sendmail        /var/qmail/bin/sendmail

Matter of fact, you should have just used the ports:

([EMAIL PROTECTED]):(/home/robin)$ cat /usr/ports/mail/qmail/files/mailer.conf.sample
# Configuration for mailwrapper is kept in /etc/mail/mailer.conf.
# Replace that file with this one to enable qmail under a sendmail
# disguise. Very useful.

sendmail        /var/qmail/bin/sendmail
send-mail       /var/qmail/bin/sendmail
mailq           /var/qmail/bin/qmail-qread
newaliases      /var/qmail/bin/newaliases

> And remove all of the symlinks as well as all other references in that
> file?

That one line would not be enough.

> RHETORICAL QUESTION:  Why doesn't <insert OS here> just come installed
> with qmail as the default MTA?

In the case of $YOUR_OS, it's Theo's fault. Apparently, he believes that
one God of Wrath is enough for his project. He also seems to believe
that this God should be him. That's why people like me have to clean up
their OpenBSDs. Henning Brauer, however, has compiled a stripped down
version of OpenBSD which will make installation easier. Good.
The rest of the thread is *some*where in the directory, but owing to
Outlook Express' and other crapware's braindeadness, it's entirely
unreadable. Great.

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