Rick Updegrove writes:

Ok I did find this thread 


I am prety sure it was "Henning Brauer" who wrote: 

> in OpenBSD you shouldn't touch /usr/sbin/sendmail, you should modify
> /etc/mailer.conf like 
> sendmail /var/qmail/bin/sendmail
> send-mail /var/qmail/bin/sendmail 
> and so on. works without any problem.

Therein lies the irony, he stopped short of the line in question which is 

The "mailwrapper issue" even the "mailer.conf issue" doesn't seem to be 
exactly agreed upon by everybody.  Or am I missing something? 

I am not trying to start a fight, just a discussion on the subject, or mauye 
someone knows another good thread on the list I could read. 

Thanks in advance, 

Rick Up 

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