Check this product (I've just upload it on the ftp ;)):
For more information please visit: http://www.ravantivirus.com
Mihai Serban

Martin Marconcini wrote:

Hello: I have to convince a couple of customers to replace MS-Exchange
w/qmail on OpenBSD.
         Tech stuff we know apart, He will not accept it if there is no antivirus
(since they are using Symantec For Exchange).
         On QMail's web site i've seen a couple of free stuff and Kaspersky?
Anti-Virus. The question is, has anyone succeded running this product on
OpenBSD? It seems to support Linux/FreeBSD only.

         And apart from that, any suggestion for antivirus package? He'll need real
time scanning of incoming mail/attachments.

         Thanks in advance,

Martin Marconcini
Departamento de Sistemas
José Andrés Pacheco de Melo 2945, Piso 1 Oficina 6
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Software Developer - GeCAD The Software Company
Tel./Fax: +40-1-321.78.03; Hotline: +40-1-321.78.59;
Please visit http://www.gecadsoftware.com; http://www.ravantivirus.com

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