Hai ,
I previously had sendmail that was with stock install of RHL6.2.
Now I removed that.And installed the qmail.
I have gone through the INSTALL.mbox for how to transfer mails from /var/spool/mail to 
I have done the following things
1)moved each file from /var/spool/mail to respective home directories.
2)given a symbollic link to ~user/Mailbox from /var/spool/mail/user as a root
3)chmod 1777 /var/spool/mail
4)Now the problem is when one user sends mail to other user he recieves the mail but 
it has no content.And the symbollic link in the /var/spool/mail/user changes to 
Bogus.user.Cnq something like this.
It happens when the reciever invokes his mail program to read mail.
waiting for your reply
kamesh jayachandran

">So what is The Big Difference(tm) that make file streams
 >so much better than directories and so much different?

 I'll talk really slowly."
        - Linus Torvalds

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