On Sat, Apr 28, 2001 at 06:26:10PM -0400, kamesh jayachandran wrote:
> I have done the following things
> 1)moved each file from /var/spool/mail to respective home directories.


> 2)given a symbollic link to ~user/Mailbox from /var/spool/mail/user as a root
> 3)chmod 1777 /var/spool/mail

No need to do this. In fact, it's the cause of your problem.

> 4)Now the problem is when one user sends mail to other user he
> recieves the mail but it has no content.And the symbollic link in the
> /var/spool/mail/user changes to Bogus.user.Cnq something like this.

Make sure that the default delivery is set to './Mailbox' . The default
delivery is set on the command line of "qmail-start". Find your startup
script (I have no idea what you're using - you haven't told us) and
check that it looks something like this:

env - PATH="/var/qmail/bin:$PATH" qmail-start './Mailbox'
             (this is the important part) --> ^^^^^^^^^^^

The reason your mailboxes in /var/spool/mail are changing to
BOGUS.$LOGNAME.xxx is that you are currently using procmail and it
is configured to deliver to /var/spool/mail/. You need to fix your
procmailrc. You can find information about procmail in the FAQ and you
can see how to use it as the default delivery mechanism by looking at
the scripts in /var/qmail/boot/.


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