You need to tell us a little more. Well, actually a lot more.

How are you "trying to send" them? qmail-inject, smtp, qmail-queue?

If you are running a command such as qmail-inject, what sort of exit
code are you getting? Any error message?

Do you mean 5600 emails or an email to 5600 addresses? If the latter,
are you placing all the recipients on a command line, something like:

/var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject recipient1@dom1 recipient2@dom2 ...


If so, have you perhaps exceeded the maximum length of the command
line for your system? Are you perhaps exceeding the maximum number of
command line arguments for your system?

To check the exit status from the shell, go "echo $?" immediately
after the command. The number is zero if all is well and other numbers
indicate different types of errors.


On Wed, May 16, 2001 at 04:37:41PM -0700, Brett wrote:
> ... when I try to send more than 5600 emails in one go. I mean, it
> completely ignores me. There's no mention of anything occuring in the logs
> whatsoever. Since I'm giving you so little to go on here, I'm mostly hoping
> for a general direction to start looking for a problem rather than a
> complete solution. Or hopefully this has happened to somebody before and
> they can tell me what they did to fix it. I've successfully recompiled the
> kernel and applied the big concurrency patch but not the big-todo one yet. I
> posted this before but didn't get much of a response except to check
> qmail-inject's exit status. Assuming I know how to do this, what will this
> prove? Thanks for any and all help.
> Brett.
> A big F you to all the unhelpful flamers in advance.

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