This server has NO virutal entries at all.  There isn't even an
/etc/qmail/control/virtualhosts file.  It's sole purpose is to act as a
backup mail server when the primary MX's for any of the 6800+ domains
aren't working.

Outside of the server's own hostname and localhost, there are no other
entries in the /etc/qmail/control/local entries at all.

The only qmail files that were ever modified on a regular basis before this
problem were morercpthosts and morercpthosts.cdb.

In my original email, I mentioned that I had restarted qmail (qmail-send)
with no effect.  The errors only stopped once I had migrated all the
domains from morercpthosts/morercpthosts.cdb to rcpthosts (which took
effect immediately with no need for restart).

Even on the servers I maintain that DO have virtualhost entries, I've never
had to HUP qmail-send to have the changes take effect unless vadddomain of
vpopmail automatically sends a HUP.

My original questions stand:  Are there limits to the number of entries in
morercpthosts/morercpthosts.cdb?  I really don't have a problem with
maintaining a completely flat-text rcpthosts, but a binary morercpthosts
would be more efficient.

According to the doco's I've read about rcpthosts and morercpthosts.cdb,
morercpthosts.cdb is effectively appended to rcpthosts, but is read faster
due to the hashing.  In the case of my 6800+ domains, I would like to stick
to the most efficient method, as this list is only getting bigger by the

Do I need to HUP something after making changes to morercpthosts.cdb?  I've
never had to do that before.  Changes always seemed to be immediate in the

Any other insight would be greatly appreciated.


Chris Johnson writes:

> On Wed, May 16, 2001 at 11:24:44PM +0000, Christopher Tolley wrote:
> > 
> > I wish it were that simple.  Here is the log entry with error:
> > 
> > May 16 13:18:10 spoolserver qmail: 990037090.207318 delivery 2882: failure:
> > Sorry._Although_I'm_listed_as_a_best-pref
> > 
> > 
> > As this error was occuring (multiple times) I checked the morercpthosts.cdb
> > and morercpthosts files.  Both files contained the entry for the domain in
> > question.  Once I copied all the entries from morercpthosts to rcpthosts,
> > the errors stopped and mail was spooled properly.
> This was a coincidence. rcpthosts and morercpthosts have nothing to do with
> this error. Those files are consulted *only* by qmail-smtpd, and only when it's
> deciding to accept or reject a RCPT TO address during the SMTP conversation.
> The above error message is generated by qmail-send, after qmail-smtpd has
> already queued the message and died.
> My guess is that you added an entry to locals or virtualdomains and didn't HUP
> or restart qmail-send. At some time in the course of screwing with your
> rcpthosts files you restarted qmail, so that your locals/virtualdomains changes
> took effect and things started working again.
> Chris

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