Christopher Tolley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Last night, I began noticing that Qmail was ignoring (some) entries in
> > > morercpthosts.cdb and was returning the message about being listed as
> > > best
> > > MX preference but the domain not being local.
> >
> > Re-read the error message.  It's telling you exactly what is wrong.  Hint:
> > check the DNS records for the domain in question.

> I wish it were that simple.

It is that simple.  You're just misunderstanding the problem.

Ignore rcpthosts and morercpthosts for now; they have nothing to do with the
problem.  As Henning said, they're consulted only by qmail-smtpd (well, and
qmail-qmtpd if patched appropriately).

Somehow, a message got into your queue, destined for a user at domain foo.
qmail looked in its locals file and virtualdomains file and didn't find foo.
It therefore knows it has to deliver the message remotely, over the network.
It therefore did DNS queries for the MX record(s) for foo, and if it found
none, the A record(s) for foo.  Imagine its confusion, then, when it found
that the DNS system told it that foo was itself.

Hence the error message you received.

Charles Cazabon                            <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:
Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.

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