> From: "Santosh Pasi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 1. Did you install relay-ctrl as root and after using "make"; did you 
> follow "make install-root".


> 2. Add entry in crontab using crontab -e as given in relay-control doc

Yes, it works fine, I see that coming up each time

> 3. Make this link
>    ln -s /usr/local/bin/tcprules /usr/bin/tcprules

Did that. --> no effect

> 4. Check your smtp-script(for -x /etc/tcpcontrol/smtp.cdb), as make 
> necessary control database file.

This works, /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb is based on /etc/tcp.smtpd

> >I've been trying for 2 days now to install relay-ctrl-2.5.
> >
> >Everyting goes well (I see no errors in compiling), but the dir's are
> >normally not created (once I saw a /var/spool/relay-ctrl, but don't 
> know for>sure), all the other times I created the dirs myself.
> >
> >When compiling I never got an error, I tried in /usr and /usr/local.
> >
> >This is how I start my tcpserver:
> >/usr/local/bin/tcpserver -R 0 pop3 /var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup \
> >ns4.pi-group.net /bin/checkpoppasswd /usr/sbin/relay-ctrl-allow \
> >/var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d Maildir &
> >
> >I can loggin at all times, but this 'easy' program doesn't seem to work.
> >/var/spool/relay-ctrl stays empty........

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