On Thu, Jun 07, 2001 at 11:58:08AM -0300, Ari Arantes Filho wrote:
> Hi,
>     An user is trying to send an email and I see this in log:
> 2001-06-07 09:13:34.292253500 delivery 21640: deferral:
> Connected_to_200.251.234.142_but_my_name_was_rejected./Remote_host_said:_501
> _dd002.domain.com,_
> why_do_you_say_you_are_mail.domain.com?/
>     The hostname is dd002.domain.com, but I don't say this name in "me",
> every machine has a different name, so I can very easy change the qmail or
> ftp or other service to other machine.

The hostname is not dd002.domain.com:

gregw@frodo:~$ dnsqr a dd002.domain.com
1 dd002.domain.com:
34 bytes, 1+0+0+0 records, response, authoritative, nxdomain
query: 1 dd002.domain.com

Or perhaps this is the cause of your problem?

(Yes, I am aware that you made this name up. If you must use made up
names, at least clearly state this, and try to use 'example.com',
'example.net' or 'example.org'* in your munged data. In this particular
instance, the real domain names would be extremely helpful, as this
appears to be at least partially a question of public DNS records...
Knowing the recieving server may also be helpful).

*See RFC 2606 for more examples of acceptable bogus domain names.

Greg White

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