There is always...  To: "Everybody" <*@*.*>

That sends email to everyone in the world!

(Yes, I am just kidding!  However, I got a double bounce the
 other day with this as the address... I actually got a good
 laugh out of it! :>)

-----Original Message-----
From: Kirti S. Bajwa [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, June 08, 2001 8:18 AM
Subject: New Broadcast Message!!!

 Hi All:

Previously I posted a message under heading "Broadcast Message" and got some
good suggestions. I also got a response whereas the person responding
thought that I was try to send spam. After reading my original posting, I
think I need to clarify what I am doing and what I need (previously I did
not do it to keep the message short). So here is the question:

Our company has a mail server. It has RH 6.2 and Qmail 1.3 and very much
else. This server serves to about 200 email addresses. We need to install a
patch which will require the system to be re-booted. Therefore, we would
like to send an email message to all the emails addresses on our company's
mail server, informing them of coming re-boot. Any suggestion??


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