On Fri, 8 Jun 2001, Kirti S. Bajwa wrote:

> >> Rolf vd Breemer : Wrote..............
> If you're using Maildir's, you could just do "mail * blablabla" in /home.
> Rolf:
> Call me stupid, but I have no idea what you are recommending. I am a newbie
> in qmail. Can you be little more specific? Yes, I I am using Maildir.

It's nothing to do with qmail, and everything to do with letting your
shell do the "hard" work.

Rolf's assuming that all the users in question have their home directories
rooted in /home (ie. /home/bob, /home/alice, /home/greg, etc.).

If that's the case, then Rolf's saying the following will work:

$ cd /home $ mail -s "Shutdown Announcement" * <<EOF Dear Users,

This is a shutdown announcement blah blah blah.


(Substitute the actual home dir root for /home if it's different for you.)


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