I have no idea what the problem would be... I've been a lookOut user since
lookOut 97, have had to use off and on OE as well (damn I hated those jobs)
and have never encountered this problem. I have seen messages to big to DL
over a 56k line before the server/client timed out, but never an inability
to actually get a message.

You might try upping the timeout limit under the advanced tab, I always have
mine set to the max anyways. If not use webmail to check on the offending
message perhaps its just too big to get before things time out. If you don't
have webmail on the actual server, you can try going to atdot.org (damn,
just checked, its not working any more) or if you know of a webmail that
will log into another pop box, you should be able to check on it that way
and get rid of the offending message.

If this is really an issue, I'd love to see some examples. I use qmail on
all my servers and my clients use lookOut exclusively, and I've never had to
delete a message for them. hmmm.

Hank Wethington
Information Logistics


-----Original Message-----
From: Xavier Quesada [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, June 08, 2001 12:10 PM
Subject: ms-outlook bug

        Does anybody know of any POP3 server that I can use with qmail+vmailmgr
that doesn't have the Microsoft Outlook  problem?
        Or is there a solution to this problem (that doesn't involve "stop using

The problem I am referring to is the one where Outlook Express and Outlook
2000 get stuck while downloading certain messages, supposedly due to a bug
in the MUA's. (The only solution I heard of is deleting the offending


Xavier Quesada
Travel Technology South America S.A.

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