Gianni Campanile <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> A specialized process gets the body of the messages and the addressees
> and it is ready to call a "mailer" . I wonder if qmail can help me:
> my real problem is that I don't wont to call a command (like
> qmail-inject) for each mail to send, that would slow down terribly.

How exactly do you plan to do it faster than qmail-inject, and anyway, what
could you possibly need to get out faster than qmail-inject is capable of

I use a PERL script that can queue up 10,000 messages in a few minutes, and
that uses the sendmail replacement--calling qmail-inject directly would
probably be a bit faster.

Does /anyone/ have a qmail system that can deliver faster than qmail-inject
can queue?  For that matter, can any mta do it faster than qmail-inject can
queue?  I'm sure there's one somewhere, but I think it would take a hell of
a lot more than 10,000 messages to make a noticeable difference.


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