
I dunno about any of this, but I do know that 2.4.1 has a nasty IDE bug.
 Consider upgrading yer kernel soon!


Christopher Ferry wrote:

> I have recently inherited a bulk mailing system from a recently acquired
> company.  All systems are running kernel 2.4.1 pre9 with reiserfs used on
> the /var/qmail/queue partition.
> Qmail version 1.03 patched with qmail-103.patch and the qmail-nosync.patch.
> Concurrency set to 255.  Here is the issue Our db of 3million+ users is
> split between the 3 servers and a perl script is run  and each message is
> piped to sendmail. Now The first time I used the system it worked
> flawlessly.  I have since found that when I run the script Qmail sits on the
> messages and fills up the queue.  For example on one system the
> /var/qmail/queue  partition now at 100% hold 809000 msgs only one
> preprocessed.  On top of this the memory has completely filled up as well..
> Seems to be a memory leak.. Because when qmail is stopped the memory is not
> relinquished.  My two question are why doesn't qmail immediately start
> sending out the messages in the queue and what is causing the leak. is it
> qmail or most likely the 2.4.1 pre9 kernel?
> Thanks
> Christopher Ferry
> unix administrator

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