
How would I need to go about building a dubug version of qmail-remote?
Also, how to terminate the process so that I can 'fling' gdb at it?

With a little I can probably have output from gdb within a couple hours.

  Troy Settle
  Pulaski Networks

** -----Original Message-----
** From: Mark Jefferys [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
** Sent: Monday, June 18, 2001 9:27 PM
** To: James R Grinter
** Subject: Re: qmail-remote (cry wolf?)
** On Sun, Jun 17, 2001 at 08:56:13PM +0100, James R Grinter wrote:
** % I think it isn't relevant. qmail-remote doesn't seem to use select,
** % or at least it's nowhere in the path where my qmail-remote wedges.
** Go look at timeoutread(), which *is* in your path.  The select is in
** the line right before where you wedge.
** % As to different OS behaviour, Solaris 2.6 (and 7) both say:
** [Man page claims it doesn't do this.]
** % whereas SunOS 4.1.4 (my usual 'old bsd system' benchmark) says:
** [Man page unclear.]
** % and I can tell you that I've not seen the problem happen with
** % qmail-remote on SunOS 4.1.4.
** Well, I don't necessarily trust man pages to tell the truth,
** especially if this was added accidentally (i.e. if it's a bug).
** And I still haven't seen anything to really convince me that any OS
** actually does this.  I've only seen that a few people think some do,
** that it could easily happen as a bug, and that it could explain the
** hung qmail-remotes.  And it's easily fixed if it is the problem.
** In other words, I'm not saying that this is the cause, only that it's
** possible.
** %  Indeed, I think DJB's code (and most
** % other people's) compensates for both behaviours by setting the
** % necessary FD's each time anyway.
** It doesn't.  (Don't know about other people's.)  It assumes that the
** fd_sets will be cleared on timeout.  Setting the fd_sets each time is
** always necessary and doesn't protect against this issue, anyway.
** In any case, since I did see (one) stuck process recently I built
** myself a test to see if I could reproduce it.  I wasn't.  At least on
** a RedHat linux 2.2.19-6.2.1 or -6.2.1smp, it looks like select acts
** sanely on a timeout, at least some of the time.
** I also put a debugging version of qmail-remote on my system, so if it
** ever decides to hang again I can fling gdb at it.
** Mark

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