Jörgen Persson wrote:
> Sorry, but I'm not all comfortable with this...
> There's been 4 similar reports of qmail-remote not behaving properly to
> this list during the last month.

> We still haven't been able to help any of them...
> This doesn't look like a coincidence to me since two of the reports
> concerned the same recipient server (outblaze.com). Unfortunately it
> seems related to network programming, which I know very little about.
> Any other thoughts about this?
> Jörgen

 Just a little investigation.

$ nslookup

> set type=mx
> outblaze.com

outblaze.com    preference = 20, mail exchanger = mg.hk5.outblaze.com
outblaze.com    preference = 10, mail exchanger = spf1.hq.outblaze.com

 I was curious if they both ran the same MTA, so I checked it out.

$ telnet spf1.hq.outblaze.com 25
Connected to spf1.hq.outblaze.com.
Escape character is '^]'.
220 spf1.hq.outblaze.com ESMTP Postfix

$ telnet mg.hk5.outblaze.com 25
Connected to mg.hk5.outblaze.com.
Escape character is '^]'.
220 mg.hk5.outblaze.com ESMTP Sendmail 8.11.2/8.11.2; Thu, 7 Jun 2001
19:26:17 GMT

 What are the probabilities of the Sendmail server being the one causing
the problems? What if the mail admin of mg.hk5.outblaze.com has used
some sort of patch that is causing qmail-remote's to hang? Has anyone
communicated with outblaze.com's postmaster?


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