manav writes:
 > I have been using qmail for the last year and a half and have been closely
 > following the mailing list at securepoint, and didn't find anything related
 > to my query, hence I took the liberty of posting it.
 > The objective is to build a high-volumer server capable of doing mail-merged
 > email blasts to several lists with 10,000 to 1,000,000 users, provide
 > detailed reports about the status of emails (sent, bounced, bad email
 > addresses, opened, forwarded), list management (across multiple lists for
 > each user) and of course, stability.
 > Over the period of last 12 months, we explored several options - and finally
 > settled on qmail (what else?). I am using a Pentium III with Linux Redhat
 > 6.2 installed on it, with 512 MB of RAM, 20 GB HDD and JDK 1.2.2 connected
 > to a 128 Kbps line.

128Kbps?  Surely you mean Mbps.  If that's all the bandwidth you can
afford at your location, you should rent a server at a colocation site
n the US.  Use your server to create and distribute batches of
recipients to a server running qmail-qmqps configured with the
qmail-verh and big-concurrency patches.

Let's say that you're sending a 2K message.  Sent to 1,000,000 users,
that's 2,000,000,000 bytes.  Assuming that you're using qmail-verh (to
merge on the fly), that your system doesn't limit your sending (and if
you've got an IDE disk, it will), and assuming 20% overhead (tcp/ip
packet headers, smtp dialogue, message retries), this blast will take
150000 seconds to clear your server.  That's 42 hours, minimum.

-russ nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crynwr sells support for free software  | PGPok | 
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